
Our water

Our water is essential for our pizza dough: its alkalinity improves fermentation and makes the dough lighter and more digestible.

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This is the most acidic water produced by the ioniser.

  • Disinfectant: effective in removing bacteria, viruses and germs from surfaces, objects and even the skin.
  • Cleaning:can be used to disinfect surfaces and household objects such as sinks, tiles and kitchen equipment.

This pH is approximately neutral-acidic, but may vary depending on the source and composition of the water.

  • Uses
    Skin care
    : can be used as a skin tonic to balance pH and reduce inflammation.

This is the neutral pH level, which is similar to the pH of purified water.

  • Purposes
    : it is suitable for daily hydration and for drinking during meals.
    Cooking: can be used as a base for preparing food such as soups, rice and pasta.

This is considered a moderate alkaline water, with a pH slightly above neutral.

  • Uses
    Drinking: promotes hydration and can help reduce acidity in the body.
    Baking: is excellent for cooking cereals, pulses and vegetables, making them more digestible.

This is considered an alkaline water, with a pH significantly above neutral.

  • Uses
    Drinking: promotes hydration and can help reduce acidity in the body.
    Baking: is excellent for cooking food and preparing drinks such as tea and coffee.

This is a stronger alkaline water with a significantly high pH.

  • Uses
    Drinking: promotes hydration and can help reduce acidity in the body.
    Baking: is excellent for cooking food and preparing drinks such as tea and coffee.

This is the strongest alkaline water produced by the device.

  • Uses
    Cleaning: effective in removing stubborn residues, oils and grease from surfaces and objects.